Unusually Useful Social Media Stats for Bloggers

Useful Social Media Statistics for Bloggers
While SEO continues to refer the most traffic to sites and blogs, social media is not far behind. In fact, in December 204, social media has usurped SEO as the top referring channel to websites with 31% of referral traffic coming from Facebook, Twitter, and the like.
While the sample size is small, this study is nonetheless indicative that social media has become a marketing conduit for bloggers to help not only drive more traffic to their blogs, but also increase your conversion rate or ROI!
If you’re still stuck with your ways of optimizing your blog for search engines, maybe it’s time to change with the times by including social media as part of your marketing agenda. To help guide you which tools to use or focus on for this channel, the social media statistics featured below should give you a better understanding on the kind of marketing strategy to prepare for.

1. 47% say Facebook has the greatest impact on purchase behavior (compared to just 24% in 2011).

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If you are selling your products and services in your blog, then it’s best to launch a Facebook campaign promoting your content to your target audience to hike up your ROI. This can be done by setting up a Facebook Page of your blog where you can build a community and interact with them through the content your post. To help you get this done, read this post at Meltwater that covers the basics.
To further increase your reach, you can try you hand with the Boost Post and Promote Post features on Facebook. Both are paid, so you have to be wary which among the two you should use. To understand how both works, read this informative post at Social Media Examiner.

2. WhatsApp has 600 million users.

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Private messengers has come back with the vengeance on mobile devices. WhatsApp is one of the most popular ones and has the most users (outside China).
Make your content much easier to share in this popular app by having a visible the WhatsApp social share button on your blog. For WordPress users, Jetpack has launched a WhatsApp Sharing Button that you can place on the pages of your blog along with other social media buttons. The button will be very helpful for desktop users who may want to share your content on their personal groups or contacts.
Another way of using this app to nurture your influence and trust as a blogger is to use WhatsApp to promote your latest content, just like how an email newsletter works. To get a better idea on how to get this done, refer to this post by Vivek Kuriyal at LinkedIn

3. Google+ has 343M active social media users (2nd behind Facebook’s 1,320M)

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Much has been said about Google+ as the social media’s version of The Walking Dead. Some even consider it as a social referral graveyard, which may sound like a compliment, but really isn’t. Even a former employee of Google+ voice off on the platform’s lack of success lead to users questioning not if Google+ will survive this, but when will it be put off its misery.
While Google+ may seem like a laughingstock of the social media industry, you can’t deny the number of users you can tap for your blog. Looking at the platform’s vibrant Communities and Hangouts users, there’s still an opportunity for you to capitalize on as long as Google+ is online. Here’s a primer on the things you should do with your own Google+ profile.

4. Images and photos are the most important tactic in optimizing social media posts.

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Visual content has been playing a more important role in getting shared in social media. Given that it’s much easier to process information from images and photos instead of text, it will be to your advantage to learn how to create simple images that accompany your posts. Online image editors such as Canva and Picmonkey are obvious choices to help you design and edit stellar blog post images using their drag and drop feature.
By creating these, you can share your posts not only on Twitter or Facebook, but also on image sharing sites like Pinterest and Instagram, to name a few! To get started, here’s a simple yet effective guide in designing images for non-designers.
Additional tips: If social media is way over your head, or if you cannot commit to the suggestions above, you can always ask help from a professional. Post the job description in this social media jobs board and expect more than able social media marketers to vie for the position.

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