The heart touching story of once a famous National level gold medalist in boxing, who was pride of the nation will suprise you to the core. This is not the first time we are hearing this kind of stories. Here is another shocking story that came into limelight, meet the Indian sports person Kamal Kumar, once upon a famous gold medalist boxer now collects garbage from door to door for the livelihood of his family in Kanpur.

Kamal said that he wanted to be the pride of the nation but the ignorance of the government and lack of financial support from the authorities made him to quit his passion.

Former National Level Gold Medalist Boxer Now Collects Garbage For Livelihood
“I am sad because even after playing at national level I was not able to get a fourth class job. I am doing this job of collecting garbage for a living, as I have a family who is dependent on me,” says Kamal.