Art of Picasso

Have you ever come across a painting,by Picasso, Mondrian, Miro, or any other or any other modern abstract painter of this century and found yourself engulfed in a brightly coloured canvas, which your sensescannot interpret? Many people would tend to denounce abstractionim as sensless trash. These People are disoriented by Miro's bright , fanciful creatures and two dimensional canvases. They click their tongues and shake their heads at Mondrian's grid work, declaring the poor guy played too many scrabble games. They silently shake their heads in sympathy for Picasso, whose gruesome, distorted figures must be a reflection of his metal health.

Then, standing in front of a work by Charlie russel, the famous Western artist, they"ll declare it a work of God. People feel more comfortable with something they can relate to and understand immediately without too much thought.

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